Tag Archives: great stories

The White Whale

21 Oct

Have you ever noticed that great writers seem to have awesome facial hair?  One of these cool writers was featured on a Google doodle this week, he is the first great American writers, Mr. Herman Melville.  Mr. Melville or as his friends like to call him, “The Herm”, was the writer of the great American novel, Moby-Dick. Moby-Dick or “The Whale” as it was known was published in in 1851.  Yeah, you might not want to read it because it sounds old or boring, but trust me, Moby-Dick the book has a lot more to offer than the messed up Hollywood movie versions.

Moby-Dick isn’t just about a whale crazed captain looking for some tail.  The novel is actually a metaphor for life, Melville was teaching us how to live.  His story showcases status, good and evil, psychology and God.  The Herm takes something everyday and weaves religion and how to live and not live into the story in a Shakespearean way.  At the same time he tells a journey of a hero, like Joseph Campbell would say, not an obvious hero, but one who witnesses.

Moby-Dick was a commercial success when it first came out, but was quickly forgotten.  It wasn’t until the beginning of the 20th century that Moby-Dick got a legendary status.  Thanks Google, for reminding us what is awesome.  Take some time and read a book.