Tag Archives: comics

What’s in a Hero?

16 Oct

It is funny how something like a hero you like could mean so much.  Kind of like what super power you would as would reveal a lot about you.  At first this seems like kids stuff, you know comics, blah, blah blah, but as those blockbuster movies show us, there is a lot more to then extremely fit people in tights.

As a young boy I would run around wearing batman and superman outfits.  To me they were the coolest guys in the world.  When you are young there is only good and evil, nothing in between.  Who wouldn’t want to fly or be invincible?

When I was a teen my favorite super heroes came from Marvel comics.  At this age in my life DC comics was kind of out of fashion.  I enjoyed the outsiders, like the X-men and Wolverine.  At this age I couldn’t see how anyone would like a goody two shoes like Superman.  This was certainly the age of the anti-hero.

Now, I don’t really side with the X-men and Wolverine as much.  It is a weird, but I’ve started to like superheros like Superman more.  In a world that seems to be covered in gray areas, business and politics.  A true good like Superman is quite refreshing.  He does good and there is no question about it.

While, I do like comics, I would enjoy them only once in a while wouldn’t say I’m a fan boy at all.  If I took a test about Superhero’s I would probably get a C or C+.  So, I’m speaking from an average point of view.  It is funny just how much your favorite hero says about you or what stage of your life you are in.

Who’s your favorite superhero?